
For those of you who have been with me from the beginning, I appriciate you all for sticking around and always checking back.
I am aware this site has not been updated in a VERY long time and it's caused a lot of angry and rude comments continuously.
Sure, you can go ahead and read some other web-comic, just realize that my break on this story was never meant to anger
my fans. The style is just SO different throughout the whole comic, that it just doesn't look right. So with that, I've put
everything on hold, even my artwork. Times are hard and busy. Believe me, I would LOVE to continue my story. It has always
been my pride and joy... there is just lack of inspiration and lack of time to do so. I hope you all understand. For now... while
I work everything out, please enjoy what I DO have. Feel free to visit my DeviantART and my Blog for artwork. You'll catch the same
faces you see in this comic there.

Thank you all!


(P.S- and yes, Eternal Quest's title has been changed to Tempest Oak!)


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